Gaming AI Chatbot Solution

Gaming AI Chatbot Solution

Enhance your gaming platform's user experience with our advanced platform, specifically designed to cater to the dynamic needs of the gaming industry.

Gaming AI Chatbot Solution

Tailored opportunities for your business

Offer 24/7 support

Treat every player like a VIP with 24/7 service support, whether they are using their laptop, SMS, or mobile app.

Offer personalisation

Leverage customer data in third-party tools to perform tasks like account updates, up sales and onboarding.

Maintain compliance with regulations

Stay compliant with regulations and coach your AI Agent on company policies and gaming limitations.

Industry specific challenges

Real-Time Betting Assistance

Real-Time Betting Assistance

Our platform can provide instant support for bet placement and account queries, enhancing the betting experience.

Promotion & Bonus Guidance

Use our solution to inform users about current promotions, bonuses, and how to qualify, maximising their opportunities and satisfaction.

Customised Gambling Advice

Offer personalised gambling tips and strategies based on user behaviour and preferences, increasing user engagement and loyalty.

Embracing the Future of Gaming with Chatbots

Embracing the Future of Gaming with Chatbots

AI is transforming customer service by efficiently handling high volumes of interactions during peak times. These technologies automate responses to common queries, which not only decreases wait times but also allows customer service agents to concentrate on more complex issues.

As the industry progresses, enterprises not leveraging these tools risk falling behind competitors who are embracing these advancements to improve service and operational efficiency. Discover how our solution can enhance your customer’s engagement and satisfaction by booking a demo today.

Our customers' success means the world to us!

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Discover the impact we can make on your
customer’s experience and satisfaction.

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Why people love us

Why people love us

Discover how our chatbot solutions have transformed businesses.

Starts inGenious AI

“It’s levelled up our service proposition. We’re fast, accurate, and a bit cheeky – all through the chatbot. For our customers, it’s even more powerful. They simply don’t have to wait.”

Patrick Ryan

Customer Experience,
Starts inGenious AI

“The way they can work with people who aren’t technically savvy makes it super easy. As the client, you get what you want without having to work too hard.”

Amy Phillips,

Southwest Marketing Assistant,
Starts inGenious AI

“We used to push people to call us, but with the chatbot we don’t have to. If you’re speaking to a customer on a secure chatbot platform or talking to them on the phone – you can ask the same questions, it’s the same experience.” 

Samantha Price

Customer Experience Lead,
Wyndham City Council

Helpful Resources

Let us know how we can help?

Contact us if you are interested to learn more about our chatbot solution and how it can help your enterprise.