How a chatbot helped Sportsbet substantially reduce waiting times in the biggest month on the sporting calendar

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ZenDesk & proprietary internal systems

Use Case:

Customer service

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instant reduction in agent volume 


of chat enquiries handled by a chatbot

“It’s levelled up our service proposition. We’re fast, accurate, and a bit cheeky – all through the chatbot. For our customers, it’s even more powerful. They simply don’t have to wait.”

- Patrick Ryan, Customer Experience, Sportsbet

Would you launch a new chatbot during your busiest time of year? Sportsbet did, backed by inGenious AI.


Sportsbet is one of Australia’s most popular online bookmakers with 2 million customers. Renowned for their distinctive and humorous brand, they harness the best chatbot technology available to deliver a market-leading customer experience.


Rapid growth demands service at scale


  • Rising customer service needs on rapid growth e-commerce platform


  • Customers sitting in queues instead of enjoying the platform


  • Specific industry regulatory, customer service and operational efficiency requirements

It’s a dream for your business to grow bigger and faster than anyone anticipates. But for Sportsbet, that growth sparked an exponential increase in customer service inquiries via the traditional telephone contact centre, chat and online FAQs.

Those FAQs required regular updates and relied on customers using the right search terms.

“Customers were sitting in queues instead of enjoying the app. We needed to tighten up the support ratio and provide service at scale,” recalls Patrick Ryan, Head of Customer Experience, Sportsbet.

“We’re always here and always on. To service all that contact, we knew we needed something a bit different,” says Connell McFadden, Platform Optimisation Lead, Sportsbet.

“Helping our customers access the answers to simple account queries via chatbot was a priority, but beyond our existing AI capability.”

“To service all that contact, we knew we needed something a bit different.”


A calculated risk on a peak time launch


  • Implement a conversational AI chatbot for customers to get the right answers quickly without the wait


  • Seamless integration with ZenDesk and proprietary internal systems


  • Identify account or promotional enquiries suitable for standard chatbot responses

After a few internal hack days to move a chatbot solution forward, Sportsbet looked for a provider experienced in complex integrations and custom chatbots.

“When we met with Mark and inGenious AI for the first time, we grilled them,” says Connell.

“They impressed us with their knowledge of integration, and went beyond that compatibility angle to explain the capability it could deliver.”

Their confidence in inGenious AI and their own healthy appetite for experimenting was reflected in Sportsbet’s decision to roll out a three-month trial of the chatbot in one of the busiest times of year. The year’s biggest month in sport includes the NRL and AFL finals and Grand Finals, the Spring Racing Carnival, and the biggest betting day of the year at the Melbourne Cup. A lot was riding on a smooth chatbot launch.

“We went live with a lean set of use cases, around 20 FAQs, that were the biggest bang for buck,” says Connell.

“inGenious AI outlined for us how everything would come together. They were able to test things on the fly, be proactive with troubleshooting, and give us the confidence they could handle our peak period.”

When an internal system created an unexpected hurdle to implementation, the team jumped in to get their hands dirty and test how they could co-exist.

“They reacted well to challenges and worked through it with us; we never have to settle for less. Working with the team who have a track record of building high performing chatbots, it felt like we were in safe hands.”

“Working with the team who have a track record of building high performing chatbots, it felt like we were in safe hands.”


Instant 12% drop in agent volume is a win-win


  • Chatbot seamlessly launched in peak demand and high revenue period


  • Immediate 12% reduction in call volumes


  • 94% of customer service enquiries answered correctly first time by the chatbot

The three-month trial immediately dropped agent contact volumes by 12%, even during one of the year’s busiest periods.

“The conversations our agents are having are ones where they really need to be there and that’s thanks to inGenious AI,” says Connell.

The chatbot is equipped to resolve customer queries without human intervention. Now on peak days, over a third of customer chat enquiries are completely resolved within the chatbot, with a 94% accuracy rate.

“A huge percentage of our contact volume is customers who like to ‘chance their arm’ and ask for a bonus bet,” says Connell.

“Now the chatbot answers over 65% of those bonus bet queries end to end.”

Sportsbet valued the proactive approach of the inGenious AI team, who aren’t satisfied with waiting for a call about a problem.

“Melbourne Cup Day is the biggest day of the year,” says Connell.

“For them to say ‘we get it, we’re on call for what you need’ and then jumping into calls, watching chats come through, and making sure everything works… that’s important to us.”

“The conversations our agents are having are ones where they really need to be there and that’s thanks to inGenious AI.”


Levelling up so customers don’t have to wait


  • Instant answers for customers


  • Boost to customer satisfaction


  • Customer service agents focused on higher-value work

Always on customer support that provides instant answers without waiting for an agent allows Sportsbet to deliver on its brand promises to its customers.

“It’s levelled up our service proposition. We’re fast, accurate, and a bit cheeky – all through the chatbot. For our customers, it’s even more powerful. They simply don’t have to wait,” says Patrick.

“Long wait times are basically a thing of the past. When we do have spikes, they’re manageable.”

For Sportsbet, inGenious AI’s expertise and commitment to getting to know the business make them a critical partner.

“What I’ve loved is that it’s a partnership. We take a collaborative approach, and it’s a great way of working,” says Patrick.

“Overall, they were just so willing to collaborate and work with us – to hold our hands through it,” Connell says.

“We love that they’re always there to help.”

“Without this chatbot, we’d be a traditional contact centre with customers waiting in queues for answers to simple enquiries.”


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