How Latitude Financial Services elevated CX across multiple brands with a centralised chatbot


Financial Services


Zendesk and WhatsApp

Use Case:

Customer service

Table of Contents


self-service rate of customer enquiries


of account closures automated


of customers gave a positive NPS

"The best feature of the chatbot is the ease of use. AI tools I’ve used in the past needed a lot of maintenance… inGenious AI isn’t like that."

- Sharni Howden, Channel Optimisation Lead, Latitude Financial Services

“From day 1, we saw an impact on chats and calls that built to a self-resolution rate of 90% in the first few months after launch.”

- Adam Howell, Head of Shared Services and Support, Latitude Financial Services

Servicing multiple brands with different customer needs? Latitude Financial Services did it with inGenious AI.

Latitude Financial Services

Latitude Financial Services is a leading non-bank lender, supporting over 2.1 million customers and over 470 retailers across 5000+ retail locations across multiple brands in Australia and New Zealand.


Service at scale across multiple brands


  • Scaling for cost-effective growth


  • Multiple brands under one service umbrella


  • Limited self-service options

When Latitude Financial Services acquired a company in Singapore to diversify its geographic locations, it faced the familiar challenge – cost-effectively scaling for growth without compromising customer experience (CX).


Any centralised customer support solution needed to provide flexible front-facing interfaces to meet the information and commercial needs of multiple brands under their service umbrella. Agents were in demand to manage complex cases but stuck spending time on simple requests like statement downloads that were perfect self-resolution use cases. But the existing system could not interact with customers online without sending them directly to an agent.


“We had live chat and a newly created help centre through Zendesk, but we couldn’t engage with the tools our customers were using, like WhatsApp, or adapt our integrations across markets,” recalls Sharni Howden, Channel Optimisation Lead, Latitude Financial Services.

“Our key goal was to up the self-resolution rate for simple requests like statements or card activation – and in turn, uplift the entire customer journey – from just clicking on a website to immersing them in what they want to know.”

“There was no way to interact directly with customers online without them coming straight to an agent – we needed more control.”


Out-of-the-box convenience and integrations by market


  • AI-enabled chatbot platform


  • Progress inGenious AI’s proof of concept


  • Tailored integrations to serve different markets

Latitude Financial Services identified an AI-enabled chatbot as the key to creating a more interactive CX customised over multiple brands. Proof of concepts confirmed inGenious AI as the standout platform thanks to the ease of the build, functionality, and support.


“The chatbot solution really stood out to us because it integrates with Zendesk’s help centre to give customers access to a load of content – and it can direct customers to a human agent at any point in the chat,” Sharni says.


Adam Howell, Head of Shared Services and Support, Latitude Financial Services, says collaboration with inGenious AI was key to project success.

“It was really important to us that inGenious AI actually listened to us and took on our brand knowledge,” he says.


“It was a collaboration that helped to identify where the chatbot could have a substantial impact and shifted us from a traditional chatbot FAQs approach to structured data validation for self-resolution tasks.”


Out-of-the-box functionality provides a streamlined management process while enabling the flexibility of tailored integrations for markets across Australia and New Zealand. 


“We’ve got a lot of different use cases and requirements for each brand, easily managed under the one platform,” says Sharni.


“We’ve enabled customers to chat with us through their channel of choice; we’re available wherever our customers are.”

“The launch was the smoothest I’ve seen, with lots of background testing before go-live to give us confidence everything was working.”


Faster answers with 90% self-service rate


  • 90% self-service rate for simple requests


  • 50% of account closures automated


  • 62% of users gave a positive NPS response

“After we implemented the chat solution with inGenious AI there was a big difference in the volume of live chats coming through to agents, and the use of web forms and calls reduced,” says Sharni. 


“We achieved a 90% self-resolution rate for simple requests like ‘How do I activate my card?’ and ‘How do I download a statement’.”


For highly trafficked account-closure requests, the chatbot achieved an instant 50% completion rate, freeing up agents for more complex enquiries. The company NPS also benefited from 62% of users giving the chatbot positive feedback, even during high-demand periods.


When calls need to be directed to an agent, optimised routing and prioritisation functionality streamline the process.


“We’re chuffed with the results! The initial results and data helped us to effectively triage and target what was missing. It was a great thing to happen around Christmas time for both our agents and our customers,” says Sharni.

“It’s been a very good news story for us. Now we can help customers quickly in their preferred channel – and handle traffic spikes in high-demand periods.”


Collaboration delivers exceptional CX


  • Cost-effective boost to CX


  • Agents focused on higher-value work


  • CX tailored for multiple brands

inGenious AI empowered Latitude Financial Services to serve their customers on their preferred channel – improving CX in a cost-effective way. 


“These days, customers want instant answers, so giving them the tools to try and find out for themselves is huge. If they can’t find it, we give it to them through asynchronous chat,” says Sharni.


The structured data collection and validation processes applied to customer questions deliver higher-quality data that can benefit other business units.


inGenious AI’s expertise and commitment to ongoing collaboration have cemented them as a critical partner.


“They’ve empowered us to keep delivering on CX – and keeping it accurate and on brand across our providers,” says Sharni.

“inGenious AI is one of the easiest vendors I’ve ever worked with. We look forward to every new function and feature that helps boost our CX!”


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